
Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

An abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) tightens the abdominal walls and removes excess skin to create a flatter contour of the abdomen. This procedure is popular with mothers who have passed their childbearing years and is not recommended for women who may get pregnant in the future.

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Also, people who have undergone bariatric (weight loss) surgery are common subjects of tummy tuck surgery. Anyone who has difficulty reducing abdominal fat and increasing tone despite frequent exercise is a good candidate for this surgery.

The abdominoplastyprocedure is performed under local or general anesthesia and begins with an incision along the bikini-line and the removal of the navel. Once the abdominal walls have been strengthened and repositioned, the skin flap is pulled down, stretched and cut for the new navel fixture. Supplemental liposuction can be used to smooth the transition between the new locations of the skin. The belly button is then reattached and all incisions sewn shut.

The procedure is moderately invasive and requires several weeks of recovery before returning to work and even more time before exercise can be attempted. For the first week, patients should not lift any weight heavier than ten pounds. Patients are also advised to wear the compression garment fitted at the end of surgery as much as possible to reduce the swelling.


The most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in the U.S. today, liposuction sculpts the body by removing undesirable fat from areas of the body such as the abdomen, waist, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, chin, cheeks, neck and upper arms that have not responded to diet and exercise. Local anesthesia or general anesthesia may be used and can last anywhere from one to five hours depending on the amount of fat being removed.

There are several different methods surgeons use when performing liposuction, including tumescent liposuction, the super-wet technique, and ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL). In all types a tiny incision is made in as inconspicuous a place as possible. A cannula (small tube) is inserted and moved back-and-forth beneath the skin, breaking up the fat layer and suctioning it out. Tumescent liposuction and super-wet liposuction use fluid injection, which facilitates fat removal, reduces blood loss, provides anesthesia during and after surgery, and helps to reduce the amount of bruising after surgery. UAL liquefies fat with ultrasonic energy and is highly precise.

After surgery, drainage tubes, compression garments and antibiotics may be needed to facilitate the healing process. Patients are encouraged to walk as soon as they are able and many return to work within a few days, although strenuous activity should be avoided for about a month. Results are visible immediately, though improvement may continue as swelling subsides during the first three months. Scars are small and inconspicuous.

Body Contouring

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Body contouring after weight loss surgery can help reduce excess skin and fat, and also restore tightness and elasticity to the skin. After major weight loss, certain areas of your body may sag and appear misshapen, masking the changes your weight loss has provided.

These areas, such as the face, neck, arms, breast, abdomen, buttocks and thighs, can be easily improved through multiple procedures that will lift and sculpt your new and improved body. Known as a body lift when combined together, you can pick and choose which procedures you would like to help achieve the look you desire.

Hand Surgery

Hand surgery is a specialized type of procedure that may be performed to correct a wide range of diseases, injuries and defects that may cause symptoms and/or affect the appearance of the hand. Hand surgery can be performed for both medical and cosmetic purposes. Your hand surgery procedure will be customized in order to repair your individual condition and leave your hands looking and feeling their best.

Because of their frequent use, the hands are a common location for injuries and degenerative disorders such as arthritis. Many people are born with birth defects of the hand as well. Hand surgery can restore function, relieve pain and improve the appearance of the hands for patients suffering from cysts, nerve conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, birth defects and other problems. Hand surgery may also be performed to re-attach or reconstruct severed fingers after trauma.


Microvascular surgery or microsurgery is a modern surgical technique that allows surgeons to operate on tiny blood vessels and organs. Using microscopes, highly precise instruments (some were adapted from jewelers’ tools) and surgical techniques developed in the last 50 years, microsurgeons can perform a variety of delicate procedures, including tissue transplantation (“free flaps”), replantation (re-attachment of amputated body parts), treatment of vascular disease, and nerve repair and grafting.

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For more Information on Body Procedures or to schedule an appointment, call us at 212.452.5121.

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01. Get to know Dr. Gayle and your NYC plastic surgery team.

02. Discuss your personal goals & expectations.

03. Find the right surgical & non-surgical procedures for you.

"Dr. Gayle helped me by performing multiple surgical procedures and the outcome was amazing, he’s a fantastic surgeon and has a tremendous source of knowledge who will make the effort required to ensure his patients recovery is as seamless as possible. I feel truly blessed he took on my case as my recovery could not have been any better!" – E.M.

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